Leadership Consulting

                 Vision and Mission
Strategic Planning
Team bonding
Conflict Management


(Soon to be updated)

Transition/New Hires
Culture & Gender

         Facilitating the Enhancement and Development 
             of an Organizational Leadership Culture

Executive and senior management teams that work in alignment; share, in reality, a  common goal and mission; and learn to work through and manage inevitable and essential conflict within themselves, are amongst the most potent top line enhancers and bottom line enablers that any organization can invest in. They are  assets as important as any that appear in the balance sheet.

Effective execution of an organization’s strategic imperatives requires focus on and managing of the few vital initiatives, actions, tasks and challenges that cut across the businesses and functions. Creating a shared understanding and acceptance of what these strategic imperatives, are, focusing  on how to execute them, and building internal professional networks amongst the executive and other management teams tasked with achieving these, create the alignment and sense of shared purpose that defines the best high-performance teams.
Unfortunately, too often, alignment and working together are interpreted as sharing, at a monthly meeting, what is going on in each business or function.  Building and managing high performance leadership and senior management teams is hard for many CEOs  as simply managing the day to day operations of the business is challenging. However the present and future costs, both absolute as well as opportunity costs,  of not having alignment, networked and forward thinking leadership and/or senior management teams  is too high to ignore in present circumstances.

Our approach, framework based, but customised to individual and organizational needs, supports the CEO and the organization in quickly ramping up leadership and senior team effectiveness, while keeping in mind the needs of a running business , without disrupting business. 

Some of our tried, tested and well regarded programmes are listed here,  as also those of our partners. However, much of what we do is customized and, therefore, the list given here is purely indicative of what we have to offer.

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